There is a popular daily on line word game called Wordle which challenges the player to find a hidden five […]
There are three books that have radically changed my pictures of the Universe…of my Body…and most recently of my Brain. […]
When your Energy is high your brain thinks better, when your Energy slumps, your brain stops thinking, and becomes reactive […]
Everyone is talking about “Change “ right now. Fear reigns in most people and communities. We are immobilized by uncertainty […]
For decades the word ” MOTIVATION” was the challenge. Managers were expected to MOTIVATE those who worked for them. We […]
The wealthiest places on this planet are not the gold mines of our country Nor them diamond mines of Namibia […]
Colin Hall, corporate veteran & Partner at Learning to Lead, speaking at DisruptHR Cape Town #7 on 3 March 2020. […]
A Leadership Reflection by Steve Hall The car was being put through its paces and was revving high. The excessive […]
I was approached to join a valued friend on a current affairs radio show. Not surprisingly the topic was?….Covid! She […]
Perhaps this is an opportunity for global galvanisation around conscious WHAT A YEAR THIS WEEK HAS BEEN […]