Perhaps this is an opportunity for global galvanisation around conscious
What happens now are we lost in the dark
Is our world in lock down have we lost our spark
Is school really cancelled can we have a playdate
And if there’s no school can we please stay up late
How do I answer these things my kids ask
That people aren’t sick if they wearing a mask
But dad you’ve taught me for ages to shake hands with a grip
And will we ever embark on that overseas trip
Yes it seems like we’re wrapped in a sanitized curtain
And it’s really not easy to embrace the uncertain
You see this thing is global we’re fighting a war
Yet we are our army that we are looking for
How do we win dad can we beat this thing
And if I’m a soldier what must I bring
In all wars my boy there will be real tears and fears
But I’m learning to about some helpful ideas
We are not alone although we are in isolation
There are soldiers like you in every nation
Be kind to others and never be mean
And healthy soldiers always stay clean
Don’t shake hands in a greeting but please wash your hands
You have many strong allies in far away lands
And while it is imperative to look after yourselves
For gods sake leave something on the grocery shelves
This war is real and people lie dying
And their cause isn’t helped by our panic buying
Great soldiers stay calm they stay clear of insanity
And this is the time to really practice humanity
Yes my girl there will be an end to this bug
And the times will come back to kiss and to hug
Look up from your laptop keep your feet on the grass
And like all things in life this too shall pass
And through all this chaos keep your sense of humour
For nothing spreads quicker then gossip and rumour
This might be the craziest time our worlds ever seen
But we will look back and say what a year this weeks been
So read that good book get out and play
For the sun will still rise like it has everyday
The greatest weapons we have are to love and to care
Hold your army close in thought and in prayer
I don’t know to much but i know this is true
That the smog skies of Wuhan are turning quite blue
There will be an end to this calamites weather
And like all great teams before us we will be stronger together
Stay safe, keep connected and lead with humanity
© Steve Hall